Significant deconditioning from diminished activity due to pain, fatigue or illness
Psychosocial factors such as depression or stress that exacerbate the pain
Sleep disturbance related to pain
Overreliance on medication for pain control
Family disruption due to pain and functional limitations
Intensive 6–8 week Functional Restoration Program includes a biopsychosocial approach to moving the client forward with in-depth education, skills and support designed to maximize physical, psychological and vocational progress. We offer a bilingual/bicultural alternative for Spanish speakers as well.
Modified Functional Restoration Program (Work Hardening)
This approach is designed to enable people who are currently working, or who have been very recently injured (less than six months) to participate in a less intense version of our full program. Early intervention programs, which include exercise, education and appropriate medical care, have been found to significantly improve the person’s ability to return to work if initial conservative medical approaches have been ineffective.
AFTERcare Program
SPARC’s post-program alternative provides additional support on a twice per week basis to program graduates to include monitoring of home exercise regimen and emotional issues that may have arisen affecting progress, and continuation of vocational guidance.
Functional Capacity Evaluations
FCE evaluations assess a patient's ability to perform current job demands and return to work as well as quantify the patients' current limitations and restorative needs. This evaluation is often requested by a doctor or insurance provider.