The Program

The process begins with a referral of an injured worker from their treating physician or insurance company followed by a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation by our team. Each potential candidate will see one of our pain physicians, a physical therapist and a board certified pain psychologist in order to determine if the program is a good fit for the person. 

The evaluation also allows the candidate to familiarize themselves with the team and ask questions so they have a role in the determination process. 

If the person is a good fit for the program, then our team meets with the client individually and reviews available medical records from previous treatments. The team then produces a multidisciplinary evaluation report requesting authorization from the insurance carrier explaining our assessment and the rationale and goals for participation in the program.

Program Structure

  • Typically 6 to 8 weeks, depending on progress
  • 9 am to 3 pm M-Thurs, 9am to Noon Fridays
  • Physical therapy and therapeutic exercise
  • Pain management behavioral training including cognitive behavioral therapy and stress reduction
  • Vocational counseling
  • Nutrition education
  • Medical management including medication optimization


Goals include:

  • Restoration of physical conditioning and functional abilities
  • Reduction in behavioral or emotional barriers to function
  • Return to work (or work readiness)
  • Increased independence in managing pain and decreased reliance on traditional medical management
  • Improved life quality and relationships
  • We set individual goals for each participant, based on their particular circumstances and needs.